Thursday, December 5, 2013

Easy DIY: Heart Tea Bags!

this is a super easy craft to make, perfect for a thoughtful gift! 

what you need:
coffee filters
embroidery thread
loose leaf tea

start by cutting out your tea pouch from the coffee filters

put two coffee filters together and cut out your desired shape

next you'll thread your needle and sew around the edges of your two filters

you can sew them a few ways, but as long as they are held together with no gaps it will work!

tip: it helps keep your stitching even if you poke the holes before threading through 
if you're using a larger needle for the embroidery thread, a thinner needle can help poke the holes

before you finish your stitching, add your loose leaf tea inside, then finish and close it up

and you're done! 

you should now have a super cute tea bag to give to a friend or keep for yourself

if you're making multiples, you can use coordinating colors or keep it consistent